Happy Halloween!!
i hope everyone had a fun and spooky time
i was thinking maybe being chucky with my ginger hair, but i couldn’t find a cute striped shirt in time and i didn’t want to buy a costume one, i always like my costumes to be more inspired by a character than go for accuracy
i just like sticking to makeup and clothes i know suit me
sooo i last minute planned to redo my kakihara makeup! ♡
ichi the killer is one of my faaaavourite movies so i’m really happy i chose to do it, i just wish they used more practical effects instead of all the bad cgi
but i digress, i love Kakiharas character!
i would have more props and merchandise from the movie for pics and just to enjoy, but all that’s really out there are the mega expensive action figures and the awful lazy collection supreme put out :’((( but atleast i have most of the versions of the movie on dvd plus the anime
anyway, here’s the look!
it’s way better than my previous attempt and i think the eye makeup helped pull it together better!
i did the scar effect with just a TON of layers of eyelash glue layered with power, then contoured around that with eyeshadows. for the piercings i just used some O rings out my jewellery supplies i cut up them blunted at the ends with more lash glue
i also thought this would be a good opportunity to document how my gal make has evolved and changed since last year, so here we go
i look like two different people
here’s the main things i switched up in my makeup routine and why! ↓
★ swapped out matte liquid lipsticks for balms, tints, regular cream lipsticks, or glosses - just makes my lips look less crusty and also more defined which i need bc i’ve got no top lip, that’s about it lol
☆ moved both my lower and upper lashes more towards my inner eye - i already have wide set eyes, so pulling them more to the centre stops my eyes looking even more spaced apart, and helps give the lashes more volume going upwards not outwards
★ softened highlights - my nose highlight is now much softer and blended to be more fitting with the style of the era in now into! but i also think it helps make my nose appear smaller rather than longer. The intense eye highlight always just looked crusty in person even if it does look cute on pics lol so i just swapped it for a more sparkly and shiny looking shadow instead of metallic ones
☆ lighter and lower eyebrows - toning down the arch and lightening my brows has really help make my features look more symmetrical, i also always like super light eyebrows in gal makeup, i think it puts more focus on the eyes
★ blush and contour - i never used to actually contour my nose, i used to just whack the bold highlight on and hope for the best. now though since my highlight is more blended, i contour all the way up into the front of my brows. i also use quite a bit of blush now, once again in keeping with the era of gyaru i now wear
☆ inner corner eyeliner placement - i’ve learnt how to embrace my eye shape instead of hiding it and it gives my eyelids a much more symmetrical appearance. instead of avoiding my hood and doing super thin eyeliner on the inner half of the eye, i do go right up to wear my hood begins to fold. it almost conceals the space where my eyelid folds since now there’s no visible difference in space between where the crease of my eye is, balancing my eyes out much better. it’s hard to explain but i hope that made sense (i’ve also stopped raising my eyebrows so much in photos to try and hide my eye shape, once again helping the symmetry since it made my uneven eyelids stand out.)

the only other main differences is the lack of lenses (which i’m working on, i’m trying to find cute daily’s for special occasions) but last year i had to take my lenses out right after taking pictures since my eyes were so irritated, so they were a bit pointless anyway

and my tans also a bit more toned down, but mainly just because i didn’t go out much this summer and need to keep up more with my tanning routine again! my extensions are also getting a little ratty in comparison to last year, so it might be time to get some new ones soon
that’s pretty much it! no trick or treaters came this year since there aren’t many kids who live in my area anymore, so i just ate the sweets myself and watched halloween shows with my mom 
next year i might throw a spooky little halloween party with my friends since i didn’t do anything for my birthday either i feel like a bit of a hermit, we’ll see!
i hope you like my costume and i hope the makeup tips can help anyone else who has a similar eye shape or face structure to mine!
i struggled for a long time to find any makeup tutorials or tips that worked for me, so i always love more in-depth makeup posts
thank you for reading!!
see you next timeee ๐