i’m finally back with another post! i haven’t had too much to blog about recently but i had fun this weekend trying to incorporate some pieces from my old wardrobe into my new one 
I have a ton of pastel t-shirt’s so tried them all on with super simple makeup hair ugg’s and dungarees as a base to see if i could find potential in them
my favourite was my acdcrag unicorn shirt! (เนฦก ₃ ฦก)♥
but i also think these ones have potential to be really cute in some outfits, especially my 6% and dino shirts!
(plz ignore how creased they are they’ve been neglected sitting in the back of my drawer T-T)
the ones i don’t see myself wearing much anymore and don’t have a reason to keep around in gifting to my friend plue along with some jewellery 
i’m dying to get some more pompom hats, bright flannel shirts and colourful accessories to make outfits with them look more cohesive and put together but i’m excited to try out some more things with them and see what i can do 
it felt almost wrong putting on stuff i wore in fairy kei with gyaru hair and make, but i still love the pastels and it turned out to be a lot of fun giving them new life! 
felt like updating the past to bring into the present (❁⌒ฺบ⌒)
yesterday i found another shirt i missed that i have some ideas for so i’m gonna try to make an outfit with it asap!!
it’s a baseball style shirt but colour block pastels
i’m super excited to wear it since i never thought it fit with fairy kei much anyway and i think the style of shirt is PERFECT for amekaji <333
i’m also planning on making a co*de inspired by this ruipo co*de but with a softer colour palette
my friend rainy makes fluffy ears just like this so i’m SUPER excited to do a version of this that’s ready for summer!
after my little outfit experimenting i also went out to get these frames and some more gems for a gift box i’m making! i’ve wrapped up most of the little gifts now too!
i’m just waiting on the two main presents to arrive still
i really love giving gifts to my friends and making things so i’m having a lot of fun putting it all together! i really can’t wait to send it off!! 

i got to come home from work early today so i’ve ordered a pizza and finally have another night free to relax!
i was working until 5am yesterday to really needed the night off 
hopefully things will calm down soon so i have more time to try on different outfits and feel a bit more put together again more often
i always feel bored when i’m not working though since i can’t go see my friends so i might scan some of my magazines later
i always mean to scan them but keep forgetting!
anyway that’s all for now! thank you for reading and i’ll see you next time
byeee !!