hello! casual post about some arty stuff ~
still feeling horrendous for no apparent reason so the obvious decision i made was to get all my art supplies out
i’m kind of over trying to find a style that looks super cutesy and polished like i wanted to for a while, i wanna get back to drawing my creepy cute alien ladies
they make me super happy
full credit goes to my second year fashion teacher jay for helping me find joy in drawing stuff again, i always drew mostly realism and she really helped me with getting away from that
here’s a few of my drawing from my university portfolio as reference, most of them were really rushed to meet the deadline
but i like these ones!
i did a few embroidered canvases that look a lot better but i gave them to josh as gifts so they’re at his house
i also used them in a lot of other stuff like sewing projects, a few doll repaints (that i never finished
) and art outside of my college work
anyway here’s what i sketched out on procreate for the canvases i want to paint this weekend! i want to bring my harajuku monster girls back into my art but hopefully in a more levelled up way
there’ll be a lot more texture and glitter and fun stuff on the final pieces i think but this is the main idea for them
designing and illustrating means a lot to me, and while i’ve given up my place at university for it that doesn’t mean i’m giving up!
i just don’t really care about being a super rich or a famous designer or reaching “success” in the industry, even if no one wants to buy or wear the stuff i create i’ll find a way to create it anyway
at least i hope so
also unrelated but i decided what to do with this crochet top!
instead of little patches i really like kieli’s suggestion of sea shells
so i think i’ll just put a shell at the centre of the bust and add some chunkier wooden beads to the strings, maybe a couple colourful beads too instead of dyeing it!

keeping my mind and hands busy with a ton of projects is helping a lot at the moment while i wait for this weird brain moment i’m in rn to pass
sorry for the non outfit or makeup related post and the rambles but i thought it’d be fun to talk about art and it also gave me something to write about so i can post more regularly!
thank you for reading this one!!
see you soon

p.s. music is also helping me a lot and to no ones surprise, leandoer is still the loml
the new summer rain video is just too good <33333 my husband